Fatherhood Academy

first month

How does it feel to know that you’re going to be a dad? Are you nervous? Feeling overwhelmed? Fear and anxiety are natural because you desire to be a great dad! Regardless of your context or connection to the mother of your child, it is your responsibility to provide for and raise this child to the best of your ability. For many men, these next nine months deeply impact and influence their ability to stay engaged and connected. While you can’t control the future, you can control your level of daily commitment. Consider challenging yourself to put your thoughts and emotions down in writing every day. Purchase an inexpensive notebook and document your journey through fatherhood. Imagine one day giving your child this gift documenting your unconditional love for them.

second month

To say that your spouse/significant other is experiencing changes is probably an understatement! Her emotions and body are changing in unexpected ways and, let’s face it, there’s no way you can understand. Even though that is reality, it doesn't diminish how helpless you might feel right now. Whenever you try to help and be supportive, it rarely feels like enough. Let us encourage you: In a couple of weeks, it will get better. Stay strong and don't grow weary in your desire to serve her. She needs your compassion and understanding, not your frustration and lack of patience.

third month

Depending on your workload and overall availability, attending all the scheduled doctor visits can seem like an impossible task. Your heart wants to be present and engaged, but many times your bank account may sing a different song. It’s at these moments that your significant other can feel neglected and under valued. It’s important to allow her to speak from the heart. As she shares, don’t be so quick to try to “solve it” or let yourself become defensive. Just listen closely, and when speaking, speak from the same level of vulnerability.

fourth month

How did it feel to hear the heartbeat of your child? With the first trimester behind you, the time has now come (if you haven’t already) to share your good news with family and close friends. How is your spouse/significant other doing? What areas of your life have the potential to keep you from being as involved as possible during this pregnancy? Consider reviewing your weekly schedule and securing a nightly time slot to just be available to serve her. Could she use a foot rub or a good meal? What if you watch that show she loves that you don’t?

fifth month

At around 20 weeks, you may decide that you want to learn the gender of your child. It’s perfectly natural to wonder about the joys and challenges of one gender over the other. Depending on your perspective and upbringing, you may be torn in your desire of wanting a son or daughter. Whether boy or girl, they will long for you to daily be their example of what a strong, loving father looks like. Don’t let this thought provoke anxiety; instead, use this as a daily opportunity to find strength in God!

sixth month

Do you know the gender? Are you waiting? Either way, let the baby showers begin! This month, you could also begin the preparation of the nursery. Building of the crib and painting the nursery are both a major deal and could become quite stressful. Just remember to pace yourself and reach out for support. You aren't the first man to navigate these waters, so swallow your pride and gather wisdom from more seasoned men in your circle.

seventh month

What kind of physical and emotional changes are you noticing in your wife/significant other? How are you adjusting to those changes? What resources (books, classes, etc.) have you invested in to help you prepare for the arrival of your child? Check to see if your church offers any support groups of new dads. A quick Google search should provide information on local resources as well as proven reading materials for you to invest in.

eighth month

How is baby-proofing coming along? Is the "hospital bag” ready? As your baby's arrival becomes more real with each passing day, try to remain calm, but engaged. Your ability to listen and show empathy will be greatly needed. Remember, as your spouse/significant other gets more exhausted and uncomfortable, it’s better to offer empathy and a listening ear than trying to fix every ailment. This is a great time to be proactive and get things done around the house. Pro tip: Helping out without being asked is one of the best gifts you can give her. This is when acts of service are most appreciated.

ninth month

ANY DAY NOW! Has the car seat been purchased? Have you practiced the route to and from the hospital? Remember, for women, labor and delivery is an emotional and physical endeavor equal to nothing you will ever experience. For you, it might be exciting or frightening or nerve-racking or gross or all of those things combined. No matter what happens, no matter what is said out of exhaustion or stress, the two of you can do this! You will be a great father with God’s help and the support of those around you. One moment, one day at a time...

Learn more about the author

Darnell Weathersby M, Ed

A respected educator, speaker, and author who is transforming the lives of individuals with life-changing leadership principles. Recognized for his influence on youth and the development of men at varying life stages, Weathersby brings a fresh and new approach to character-building. His philosophy is simple: buildup individuals and they will transform the world around them.

Weathersby is a graduate of Trinity International University with a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education and Temple University with a Masters in Educational Leadership. He has been an educator for over 17 years, assuming the roles of teacher, assistant principal and acting principal in both urban and suburban school districts across the country. Weathersby currently serves as a high school Administrator.
Being reared by a single mother and the second oldest of eight on the west side of Chicago, Weathersby knows the pressures that come along with adversities from drugs, gangs, and violence. Weathersby believes that empowered individuals, with access to education and resources, have the power to transform the world. It is this philosophy that inspires him as an educator on the scene today. Weathersby is living proof that a quality education can be the vehicle that levels the playing field.

Darnell is the proud husband of 15 years to Sharnell Weathersby and father to their two children.

you can learn more at his website:

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