Calvary Cares

We're here for you

Life can be difficult when you are hurting, struggling or hit with a season of sorrow. You’re not alone.
We’re here to come alongside you, help bear your burden and wrap God’s love around you. 
Your unfailing love, o Lord, is as vast as the heavens; your faithfulness reaches beyond the clouds.
Psalm 36:5


Prayer is a true source of comfort and strength and has a vital bearing on the personal and spiritual life of the believer. We trust the life-changing power and peace that prayer delivers. Know that urgent and time-sensitive prayer requests are filtered through to Pastoral Care from appropriate church channels and resources. It is the Team’s privilege to pray with community members in times of need.
If you would like to pray with someone, CLICK BELOW
You can also meet with a Pastor-on-call or prayer leader by calling the church office.

Our Care Ministries

Funeral/Memorial Services

You’re not alone. In your season of sorrow, Pastoral Care comes alongside you to comfort, serve and help plan a meaningful memorial/funeral service to honor and celebrate your loved one. Calvary pastors can officiate and lead your service, whether it is at Calvary, or an offsite funeral home. Let us help lighten your burden.

Hospital Visits

Our Pastoral Care team brings encouragement, prayers of faith, and the love of God to those who are hospitalized.
To request a service,
To request a hospital visit,

Our Care Ministries

Funeral/Memorial Services

You’re not alone. In your season of sorrow, Pastoral Care comes alongside you to comfort, serve and help plan a meaningful memorial/funeral service to honor and celebrate your loved one. Calvary pastors can officiate and lead your service, whether it is at Calvary, or an offsite funeral home. Let us help lighten your burden.

Hospital Visits

Our Pastoral Care team brings encouragement, prayers of faith, and the love of God to those who are hospitalized.
To request a service,
To request a hospital visit,

Long-term Care (Shut-in) Visits

Pastoral Care brings communion, seasonal remembrances, and a consistent caring touch to our Calvary community who are in long-term care facilities, nursing homes, or away from church for various reasons.
If your loved one is not connected to our regular visiting list,

Care Groups

Our care groups provide hope, comfort and connection. They are here to help you find freedom from the past and move forward in the fullness of God. These groups are a safe, authentic community where you can heal and grow.
To sign up for an care group,


Prayer is a true source of comfort and strength and has a vital bearing on the personal and spiritual life of the believer. We trust the life-changing power and peace that prayer delivers. Know that urgent and time-sensitive prayer requests are filtered through to our team. It is our privilege to pray with community members in times of need.
If you would like to pray with someone, CLICK BELOW
You can also meet with a Pastor-on-call or prayer leader by calling the church office.

Long-term Care (Shut-in) Visits

Pastoral Care brings communion, seasonal remembrances, and a consistent caring touch to our Calvary community who are in long-term care facilities, nursing homes, or away from church for various reasons.
If your loved one is not connected to our regular visiting list,

Encouragement Groups

Our encouragement groups provide hope, comfort and connection. They are here to help you find freedom from the past and move forward in the fullness of God. These groups are a safe, authentic community where you can heal and grow.
To sign up for an encouragement group,