Find Your Life Group!

We believe in finding freedom through authentic, God-centered relationships.
Humans are created for relationships. Life Groups are places for encouraging, praying and sharing life together. They are a safe space where we are free to be ourselves and to find a home among people who can help us be who God created us to be!

Life Groups are focused on following Jesus in our life every day.

What are Life Groups?

Life groups are made of 8-14 adults who meet in homes weekly to share, study, and support one another. These home gatherings are led by a trained facilitator who will lead the group in discussion.

Each semester, some of our Life Groups will use a discipleship curriculum called Rooted. Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church, and your purpose (see more about Rooted below).

Stay tuned for information on the start date of the next semester of Rooted groups!

More about Life Groups & Rooted

What is Rooted?
Through the Rooted curriculum, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and service, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. Throughout Rooted, you will have five daily devotional and journaling experiences each week to help you practice the 7 Rooted Rhythms modeled by the early church in Acts 2. These rhythms include daily devotion, prayer, breaking strongholds, sacrificial generosity, community service, sharing your story, and worship. Committed and consistent practice of these rhythms will not only impact you but the whole church.
What is the difference between Rooted and Life Groups?
Rooted is a key discipleship curriculum that is an on-ramp to Life Groups. At the end of the 10 weeks, your Rooted group becomes your Life Group.
How do I choose a group?
All our groups have a description designed to give you an idea of the leaders and the feel of the group. Read these bios for a fuller picture of each group to help you decide on one for you.
How often do Life Groups meet?
Life Groups meet weekly on different days and times. Life Groups meet for 10 weeks at a time with breaks built in throughout the year.
What about childcare?
Life Groups are for adults. (Exceptions can be made for nursing newborns, up to six months.) We leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose group meets on a different evening.
Is there an age limit?
Yes. Rooted is an adult-only curriculum (18+ years).
Does Rooted cost anything?
While Rooted registration is free, each participant will need a workbook, which costs $20.
What if I cannot make all ten weeks?
The first week of a Rooted course is important, however if you miss week one, your leader will be in contact with you, and you can still join your group.

We understand that Rooted is a time commitment, but we believe it is worth it to invest in the entire process. If you know you are going to miss more than 2 meetings, we ask that you wait until the next session of Rooted. The 10 weeks are a cumulative experience, so we ask that every participant commits to honoring each other by being at every meeting.

Interested in leading or hosting a Life Group?

We are getting ready to start the new semester of life groups but we need your help! Fill out one of the interest forms below to get involved.

Looking for Bible Studies and Classes?

Questions? Concerns?

We are happy to help!