Mental Health Ministry at Calvary

You can walk in freedom.

Calvary Freedom is a mental health ministry in Naperville that's here to walk with you through your mental and emotional health journey. You can find hope through the transformative power of Jesus and find healing through community!

Meet Liana Cruz—our mental health and wellness pastor:

"The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor ... He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor."
Luke 4:18-19

How it works:

We will be offering mental health groups for junior high students, high school students, and young adults through age thirty. 
At the end of the sessions, our goal is that each person would:
  • Know hope by understanding the mental health resources of the Gospel
  • Find freedom through community and relationships
  • Discover healing by applying biblical resources to continue healing beyond classes and groups

We believe that having a positive impact on mental health for young adults in these age groups will best equip our next generation to find hope and freedom in the Gospel!

Junior High Groups

High School Groups

Young Adult Groups (18-30)

May 8 - June 12
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Rooms 220-223
For our middle school students navigating the complexities of adolescence, our support group provides a nurturing space where they can express themselves freely and receive guidance from trained leaders.

The mental health resources and curriculum are age-appropriate, focusing on building self-esteem, coping skills, and the hope of Jesus. Through interactive activities, discussions, and creative outlets, students learn to recognize and manage emotions, develop resilience, and cultivate a sense of belonging within the church community.
Please Note: A parent or guardian of each student will be required to participate in a concurrent but separate adult group. Students cannot register without parent/guardian participation.
May 8 - June 12
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Rooms 220-223
High school can be a time of immense pressure and uncertainty, and our mental health group aims to equip students with the tools they need to thrive emotionally and spiritually.

Our curriculum addresses common issues such as identity, peer pressure, and mental health stigma. Leaders provide engaging sessions that blend psychological insights with biblical teachings, empowering students to confront challenges with courage and faith.
Please Note: A parent or guardian of students in grades 9 and 10 grade student will be required to participate in a concurrent but separate adult group. 11 and 12 grade parents are encouraged to participate but are not required for student involvement.
May 9 - June 13
5:30-6:30 p.m.

Enter through Door 6
Mental health for young adults can shift as they transition into independence and face unique challenges related to education, career, relationships, and mental wellness. Our support group provides a welcoming community where young adults can share their experiences, find support, and deepen their spiritual connection.

The curriculum emphasizes life skills, goal setting, and helping participants navigate the complexities of adulthood with confidence and purpose.

Interested in volunteering with our mental health ministry?

Calvary Freedom Advocates

Calvary Freedom Hosts

Calvary Freedom Advocates will be a team dedicated to the mission and vision of walking alongside individuals in their mental health journey. These volunteers will meet with individuals for a few sessions to help achieve three practical, tangible, and achievable goals. Whether it is offering a listening ear, encouraging support, or practical mental health resources, the goal of Advocates is to inspire individuals toward freedom and empowerment.
Calvary Freedom Hosts are volunteers who are committed to extending a warm and supportive hand to congregants during Saturday and Sunday services. Their primary mission is to provide practical and tangible assistance to individuals seeking guidance, resources, and support for mental health needs. Whether it's scheduling appointments for one-on-one guidance, connecting individuals with community and faith-based resources, or facilitating access to church mental health services, Hosts are there to lend a hand.