How God's Mission and God's Church are Inseparable

Many people struggle to see the connection between their everyday lives, their local church and God's active work in the world. Research shows that understanding and engaging in God's work through a local church is predictive of a flourishing life as a disciple of Jesus. Fully Connected explores how Calvary Church can better understand and live out this role as essential components of God's mission (missio Dei). This initiative provides resources for both the theological foundations and practical steps for members of a local church to faithfully engage in God's redemptive work.

Explore, engage, and check back often as this site is regularly updated in an ongoing effort to equip individuals (and local churches) to embrace their identity and function as active participants in God's purposeful plan.

Mission Pathway

The more a person understands Missio Dei, the more likely they are to be actively engaged on Missio Dei at their church. And the more a person is actively involved in Missio Dei at their church, the more likely it is that their discipleship journey is flourishing or thriving.

Outreach and Evangelism Resources

Volunteer and Leadership Development Resources

Worship and Creative Arts Resources