We believe physical, mental and spiritual wellness are interconnected, and that's why we're offering a collection of mental health vendors and resources. By investing in our health, we can grow closer to God, and better reflect his Imago Dei. This is a great time to invite someone to church who is interested in increasing their health awareness and exploring what true wellness looks like.


○ Living Divina Yoga
MPG Fitness
Calvary Sports
Nautical bowl
Clean Juice
○ Foundational Health - Dr. Jill
○ Buchar Family Chiropractor

○ World Relief
Fox Valley Dog Therapy Club
SamaraCare Counseling
Heritage Counseling
○ Flourishing Lives Counseling
○ Your Family Wellness Village Counseling
○ Central Dupage Pastoral Counseling Center

○  Prayer Team
○ M.O.M.S. Ministry
Merch booth with book resources
Small Group 
○ More for Youth
Young Adults 
Women’s Ministry 
Men’s Ministry
Senior’s Ministry
Spanish Ministry Small Groups
RightNow Media

RightNow Media

RightNow Media is a large library of resources, including devotions, Bible studies, and classes from world-renowned pastors and Christian speakers and authors. Once you set up your FREE account, you'll have access to over 20,000 biblically based videos for all your devices!